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Wednesday, April 29, 2009


22 fishies went for a ski. They wanted to play on the big waves but it was a bit of a journey to get there. They even had to ride in a car, which fishies don't like. And there were a few places where the water wasn't in the form they like best so they had to switch their technique.

It was a long ski, but the fishies had been there before and knew instinctively in which direction to go.

Up Skookum Bay they found Skookum Glacier, and endless crust-frosted waves on which to play.

In the wide open sea they found it safest to school up and move as a unit. One fishy led for awhile and then sprinted. When the lead fishy sprinted, everyone sprinted. An observer might not have known which fishy was directing the school at any one time. But the fishies knew. Even when the lead fishy would zig or zag or double back, causing the school to accordion in on itself before reaching out to engulf a new frozen wave.

22 fishies... we're not part of the elite minority. We're just redefining normal.

The LAV fishy swimming up glacier.

photos courtesy of Kate Arduser & Erik Flora. gratzi.

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Blogger RJ said...

I like this.

May 01, 2009 10:11 PM  

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