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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hood Slidin'

I was out running. And I had a 3-4% grade downhill and I was stretching out the legs a bit so I was going fairly fast in running terms. Then a car pulled out in front of me. I mean right in front of me, if I hadn't changed course, it would have been a matter of tires over toes. I did, however, change course, the crisis was averted and I finally have developed the emotional maturity to not be pissed off at the oblivious driver. I am sure that somewhere in these archives is a post griping about cars cutting me off and how I wish I had a sharp object to scratch them with.

Well, no more. Now I merely wish that I was prepared enough to seize the instant of opportunity to continue running my line, catapult myself onto the hood of the car and sprawl out dramatically. I wish I had the guts to actually do this. Only because I really think it's possible & because I think it would be funny. The problem is that I wouldn't know how to deal with the aftermath. Imagine. You're out running. Car stops on a side street, doesn't look, pulls out in front of you, but slowly enough that they would be able to stop & it's a small SUV with a nice wide hood. You successfully do a slide across the car. Then what? You have some poor soccer mom absolutely horrified because she thinks she's hit you & there's three kids in the car that start screaming. Unfortunately you can't just roll off and run away from these types of things. You'd really have to explain to the driver that you were just playing, don't worry.


If I thought I could avoid the awkward interaction post-slide, I would totally do it.


Blogger RJ said...

On the contrary-- I think the POINT of hood slidin' would BE to horrify a soccer mom and make all the kiddies scream.

Slide-- an' keep runnin'.

You should practice with CA. hahaha!


March 17, 2010 10:25 PM  
Blogger Christopher Tassava said...

You should totally do it if you can. You could just dust yourself off, shoot the driver a dirty look, and keep going.

March 18, 2010 5:26 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

FWIW, I find running on the WRONG side of the road helps (i.e., the right hand side with traffic). Except at night, of course.

For some reason, 99.99999999% of all drivers look left as they are about to pull out onto the street. If I am running on the rhs, then they see me. If I am running on the lhs, they don't.

March 19, 2010 2:06 PM  
Blogger valaasb said...

I haven't hood slid, but I did slap a hood with both my hands. I was running on the correct side of the road, and she had a stop sign... but here's the kicker: apparently in RI, I was in the wrong. Doesn't matter that she had a stop sign, or that I am a pedestrian. The ONLY place pedestrians have right of way in RI is in the special double lined and hatched cross walks.

March 21, 2010 6:15 PM  

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