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Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Hardiebacker... argh matey

I'm hereby declaring anytime you lay hardiebacker to be talk-like-a-pirate time. Y'all know that the official talk like a pirate day is one of my favorite days of the year. That day doesn't happen until September, but tomorrow will be a mini pirate celebration for me. CA doesn't know about this scheme because I literally only came up with this brilliant plan mere seconds ago when I typed "Hardiebacker" in the blog title. And I couldn't resist the "argh."

Less brilliant was yesterday when I was putting in a doorknob. First went in the "dead latch" (that thing that actually holds the door in place). I had already screwed in the strike plate and swung the door closed to make sure everything lined up. Except the door actually really closed. Which would have been fine except that I was in the empty room and all my tools were sitting outside the door, along with the doorknobs which would have greatly increased the ease with which I could have turned the door mechanisms to withdraw the latch. This happened directly after I hit my thumb with the mallet while pounding in the same dead latch. (CA was working in the garage so I was on my own.) Luckily for me there were pieces of... you guessed it, bamboo! lying around this room. So I escaped thanks to the beautiful concept of leverage.

side note:
One of my friends introduced me to Boo Bicycles. Bamboo! Bicycles! Carbon Fiber! I want!

boring stuff:
Hardiebacker is a backerboard that you put down (with thin-set liquid nails and a bajilion screws (a bajilion is a lot. I am a math major. trust me.)) before you lay the tile. So far we have not touched any tile. Only backerboard. And liquid nails. And screws. And my rollerskiing calloused hands are developing a hotspot from u s i n g a s c r e w d r i v e r.


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