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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

some things i thought were funny today

The spilled fountain drink in the Glenn Alps parking lot. There was your standard squashed cup with the straw still poking through the lid and lying off to the side but instead of a nice splatter the orange soda had retained its cylindrical form.

The fact that I took smack from my team (ahem... ELLIS) for parking by myself in the third row of the parking lot because it meant that my car would sit in the sun longer. When I got back over 2.5 hours later the sun still wasn't up.

The fact that I'm supposed to go do bounding intervals this afternoon and there's 6" of snow on the ground and it looks like it'll be even deeper by the time I finish.

The ridiculous amount of my ski bases that I sacrificed to the snow gods out on my ski this morning.


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