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Monday, October 20, 2008


Double pole intervals at Kincaid this morning. I started out a little sluggishly. After the first set Erik paused me for a technique review. Angles. Impulses. Tempo. Forces. It was all thoughtful, concise, and explained with the clarity of someone who knows the mechanics of skiing forwards, backwards, or sideways at any speed. Not to mention dead-on. I am aware that having Erik is like skiing with a mirror and the cliff notes of ski technique (and if you want the unabridged version it's an option) so you know what you're doing poorly and how to make it better. The content is great but I wasn't doing a very good job absorbing this morning. So I asked Erik, "could you maybe just compress all of that into a sound effect for me?" He paused. I took advantage from the break from his usual loquaciousness to refine my request, "I'm talking one syllable here." Erik is pretty good about catering to us so he gave me "bam!" and even demonstrated where "bam!" belonged in the double pole movement. I skied off to the start of the next interval contentedly. Maybe I'm falling into the category of dumb jock but "bam!" was something that I could wrap my mind around and focus on during our L5 intervals. Someday, maybe, I'll have the capacity for the more academic technique theories but this morning I was only up for one syllable. Hey, I did ski each interval after that faster than the one before.


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