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Monday, September 15, 2008


As I approached the cluster of traffic cones I was pretty sure I'd have to turn around and find another route back to my car but I decided to check with the flagger dude anyway. Before I could even say anything he assured me I could go on through, they were only closing one lane so car traffic couldn't go westbound but I would be fine, just watch out. (I was heading down from O'Malley/Hillside Dr. or whatever it's called back to the Hillside parking lot.)

The only question I had was, "are there any unpaved sections?"

"What? Oh, no, just watch out, you'll be fine."

As soon as I'd really irrevocably committed to descending I spotted a very nice trough across the road where they had dug up the pavement. I though, "oh dear, this is not ideal" and then I stabbed my poles into the trough and jumped over it. I made it, but I wouldn't choose to try it again.

The moral of the story is definitely double check before going down any hills when there's road construction underway.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have just spent one your nine lives - That "crack" had to be twelve inches wide and 2 inches deep. I hit it earlier going uphill at about 20mph and was afraid I might have blown tires or bent rims...on my car not roller skis. What a jump that would have been to see! Sally B

September 16, 2008 9:10 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

I am going to be more than a little irked if you break your neck before we get in a photo session!

September 17, 2008 8:15 AM  

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