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Thursday, June 05, 2008

Talking about weather

You know how when life is super stressful and you start having a hard time falling asleep because you keep thinking about what you need to do tomorrow (and you don't quite know how everything that needs to be done can be feasibly accomplished in the allotted time, which really adds to the stress) or what you should have done but didn't today?

Really? That sucks, I haven't felt like that since college.

The other night though I did find myself unable to fall asleep because I couldn't remember how to talk about the weather in Spanish. I had a running litany of French phrases: Il fait froid, Il fait chaud, Il y a de neige... and when I tried to run them through the Spanish translator I found a total void in my head. As you probably know, French & Spanish don't use the verb "to be" when talking about weather, French uses faire and I couldn't remember the equivalent Spanish verb. I tried to let it go but I couldn't so I lay there trying to come up with the Spanish. I finally chipped down the phrases by remembering caliente, then hay nieve, then frío and with frío I finally remembered that it was hace frío, hace calor. I feel like my Spanish is getting blanketed by French. Which is maybe just what happens when you learn a new language but I'm crossing my fingers that I'll be able to resurrect Spanish after I get a little more competent with French. I mean, most of the rest of the world doesn't seem to have a problem with being multi-lingual.


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