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Wednesday, February 13, 2008


We made it down to Liberec in the Czech Republic uneventfully on Wednesday. We found ourselves in a rather strange hotel. It maybe would not have been so strange if I had had any idea of what to expect beforehand. Our hotel is attached to an amusement park type complex called Babylon with an aquapark, arcades, little kid rides, stores, restaurants, and best of all, the IQ park. IQ stands for Interactive Quest. Kikkan and I spent some serious time this afternoon in the IQ park since we did not have a workout. It was highly entertaining. At least to me. It was basically a mini Seattle Pacific Science Center. It had interactive displays, puzzles and all of my favorite physics demonstrations. I think Kikkan and I got around to playing with almost all of the displays. We even solved a few tough block puzzles and tanagrams. I solved a puzzle I was working on at the exact same time a guy sitting next to me figured his out and we both went, "yes, got it!" or that is what i imagine he said in czech. So we turned to each other and celebrated our mutual successes with a high five.

On the way back to our hotel room we stopped in the square insided the hotel to look at the boa constrictores, rabbits, turtles, chipmunk, fish, and molting iguana that they have in some big glass cages.

I hear there is skiing to be had here, but not at the race venue yet. I will let you know tomorrow. At some point I will also buy a pass to connect my computer to the internet and then I will post a bunch of photos. I will also use apostrophes again as I have not found those yet on the public computer keyboard in the lobby.


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