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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Heading to Lake Placid, NY

I made it to Lake Placid finally. Well, actually I haven't made it quite yet-- I'm in the Chicago O'hare airport, but by the time I post this when I get to Lake Placid, I'll have made it. There is one open wireless network but... I'm a little skeptical about public WiFi in Chicago so I'm staying off it. It's that small town distrust of big cities coming out in me (and no one better point out that I live in Anchorage). I would like to tell you how beautiful the fall is in upstate New York but my imagination probably isn't any better than yours so I'll instead direct you HERE to see some unbelievable autumnal leaf photos.

On Sunday, when I was in SLC, I went on a run with Barb Jones and Wendy Wagner. I'm not telling you this because I want you to know how cool I am, hanging out with Barb & Wags (although hopefully you'll make the inference), I'm telling you because these women both retired from skiing and now are twice as amazing. So my newest idea for a research project is interviewing and writing about retired skiers. Skiers have an abundance of talent outside of skiing and it's fascinating to hear about what past skiers are doing now that they're not focusing 100% on training and racing. Hmm.


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