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Thursday, March 08, 2007


I've been sequestered in a single on the sixth floor for a couple days while Kikkan finishes recovering from her cold. Which is great. I approve of isolating sick people. But... The hotel we're staying in is pretty small, only 18 rooms per floor and six floors. There's a couple of teams staying here and each of us basically has our own floor. The U.S. team is on the fifth floor; the Russian team is on the fourth and sixth floors. Worse, my room is at the end of the hall as far away from the elevator as possible. So every time that I go into or out of my room I have to walk past all of the Russians' rooms. The scary Russians with their mullets and techno music. eek!

On another note, I was skiing today (imagine that) and there was an extension cord being pulled across the trail on one of the small downhills into the stadium. And it was being actively pulled so it was a little bit off of the snow and moving. When I saw the obstacle I thought, "ooh, I'm at a World Cup... I can't stop for this." So I jumped it. The moral of this story is: You need to practice jumping things at ski practice.


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