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Thursday, February 01, 2007


At the beginning of my life there was only white eggs. White, perfectly smooth, evenly sized eggs. Then, during some travels at a young age, I was served brown eggs. Brown eggs, soft-boiled and served in an egg cup with a knife to cut off the top portion and a small spoon to scoop out the egg. From then on I thought brown eggs were far superior to white eggs. Now I have a new favorite type of egg: green eggs.

On the way to the OO Trailhead is the Pedersons' Y-Me Ranch. Next to the ranch's big sign is a small sign proclaiming, "eggs." Ever since we moved into Cresthill this summer we've wanted to stop and get eggs. Something has always prevented us -- we already had eggs, we didn't have any money, we were late, whatever. Finally, on Tuesday, Gregg and I stopped to get eggs. We pulled up to the house and this old rancher came out to see what we wanted. When we said we wanted some eggs he replied, "well, just go get them, do you know where they are?" nope, we did not. "Well," he said, "you have to go out and take them out of the chickens' nests." I was really excited about this, I really wanted to go into the chicken coup and pluck eggs as if by magic from the nests. Apparently, he was just teasing us because he took us over to a fridge full of cartons of eggs & explained that we should just come right in whenever we wanted eggs, it was $1.25 per dozen and there was a green mug sitting on the counter to put the money in.

I proudly carried two cartons of eggs home on my lap. Like any present, I had to open them up and look at our new eggs. Beautiful eggs, all shades of brown, all sizes, some very pointy, some very blunt, some all one color, some with darker brown speckles. And in one carton there were two green eggs! Let me make them sound more appealing: two eggs with a faint pastel green hue embracing the shell. And yesterday I ate one & it was delicious.

So now I consider green eggs to be far superior to brown eggs or white eggs. Living in Hayward does have its benefits.


Blogger Granny said...

Did you have some of Dr. Seuss' ham to go with those green eggs? And did your father ever tell you about collecting tiny bantam eggs from the nests on the orchard?

February 02, 2007 7:06 AM  
Blogger LAV said...

actually I had some turkey... almost ham. and no, he did not.

February 04, 2007 2:47 PM  

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