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Friday, January 12, 2007

100m sprints

blink once and I'm in Madison (aka mad-town) instead of Hayward. And I've already done one race this weekend- the 100m U.S. Record attempt. We each got three chances to break the record, but both my times and Compton's got slower each time. Not that there was very much pressure. Compton & I were the only women participating, I don't know why, top three got flowers & Candinas chocolates. Heck, I would have raced for the chocolate alone. I would have done another three runs as another person to get another box of chocolates if they had let me. I think it must be because people only wanted to race if they thought they could win (and earn $300, rumor has it) and Compton & I pretty much intimidate everyone. Actually, Camenisch would have raced, but she missed a flight & got in late.

I'm forgetting the most crazy part... they made snow and trucked it into downtown Madison and made a ski course for us around (two sides of) the capitol square. Crazy.

Capitol Square Sprints Website


Blogger Cammie said...

Laura, I'm so glad you are doing so well.
I'm glad that throwing yourself into something so completely has paid off.
I think that with your fastness we got to get someone to sponser us with a free touring bike or at least a lot of spare tires!

January 13, 2007 6:44 AM  

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