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Monday, October 30, 2006

On my day off I decided to make a creation that had long been in my head: diaper pants. So called (by me) because you put them on like they are diapers with legs. The front part wraps around and ties in back (I used hook closures) and the back part comes around to tie in front. I like these pants because of the simplicity of the design. And then I started piecing them together and it turned out to be not so simple. The worst part was the ribbon piping along the front. I don't know what made me think that would be a good idea. I think I decided to do that so I wouldn't have to hem. Foolish girl. Somehow I finished, mostly because Kay let me use her sewing supplies, including the nicest sewing machine I've ever used. Maybe a little too fancy for me; a little teary-eyed face even popped up to tell me that my bobbin was running low on thread.
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