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Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Improving as an athlete requires constant attention to training. You have to learn to gaurd against the many distractions that barrage you and demand your time and energy. There are social gatherings and friends and sunny days out there... Beware! they will lead you off the straight and narrow path towards excellence!

Just kidding. Distractions are the best part of life and letting yourself be distracted leads you to a more interesting life and makes you into a more interesting person. Most of the time I am focused on my goals but I am open to distractions. When I came home yesterday to find a squirrel trapped in Dave's room (the open window it had come in was too high for it to jump out of), I abandoned my bike ride in order to rescue Squeaky and reunite him with his friend, Squeakity-Squeak-Squeak-Squeakum, who was on our roof hovering around the window. The two friends (lovers?) were reunited and I was down one bike ride but up one close encounter with a bushy tailed squirrel.


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