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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Day Before

Once again, I have arrived at the Day Before A Race. I tried to count how many of these days I've had in my life. And quickly gave up, but decided that it must be somewhere in the triple digits. The day before a race day, umm, I'll shorten that to RacEve, are no longer as scary and semi paralyzing as they used to be. RacEves more and more imitate normal days; I ski, do homework, eat, blog (apparently), and engage in other mundane activities. The difference is that, before making a decision, even an unimportant one, I ask myself: "Will this affect my race tomorrow? If yes, how?" Once I realized this I wondered why it didn't have more of an impact on my behavior on RacEves. Thinking back on yesterday's thoughts I notice that before each decision that I made I asked myself: "Will this affect my race two days from now? If yes, how?" In fact, any day of the year when I'm making decisions I ask myself, often subconsciously: "Will this affect my racing in Jan/Feb/March? If yes, how?" And that is why RacEves are normal days now, because every day I care about the impacts of my decisions.


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